Covid - 19


Response Activities

Corona viruses are respiratory viruses and are generally spread through respiratory secretions (droplets from coughs and sneezes) of an infected person to another person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person. Someone who is sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others as much as 48 hours before they have symptoms. That is why it’s so important to practice social distancing. It is recommended patients who have symptoms or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 should be isolated either in the hospital or at home (depending on how sick they are) until they are better and no longer a risk of infecting others.

Project Manager – 1

Field Supervisors – 2

Data manager - 1

Outreach workers – 33

Activities carried out in Kanyakumari District :

The first five cases in Kanyakumari were reported on March 31, 2020. Since then the District administration is taking stringent measures to control the spreading of the virus infection in the district. We have been actively working with the district administration since then.The COVID-19 lockdown has made serious impact on the migrant population, roadside dwellers and the poor. With relation to migrant workers, a majority of them are from other districts of tamil nadu and a few from kerala. There are around 9,000 migrant workers in the district engaged in work like fishing, brick kilns and a few other independent labour forms, like selling food items. These people are highly affected.The district administration has provided us the opportunity to involve in rehabilitation activities.

As this is an important humanitarian issue, we immediately organized a staff meeting and planned for the intervention activities. Accordingly, we provided the affected people necessary goods, like food and water, clothing, masks, glows, hand sanitizers and other assistance through our filed staff, students of Rojavanam Paramedical College and volunteers. Rojavanam Paramedical College students are also involving in prevention intervention activities at the Toll Gates in NH.7. The state Government and reputed service organizations have appreciated our humanitarian activities. Our Volunteers and students of Rojavanam Paramedical College are even now actively involving in COVID -19 prevention activities in collaboration with the District Administration.

Activities carried out in Kanyakumari District :

The first five cases in Kanyakumari were reported on March 31, 2020. Since then the District administration is taking stringent measures to control the spreading of the virus infection in the district. We have been actively working with the district administration since then.The COVID-19 lockdown has made serious impact on the migrant population, roadside dwellers and the poor. With relation to migrant workers, a majority of them are from other districts of tamil nadu and a few from kerala. There are around 9,000 migrant workers in the district engaged in work like fishing, brick kilns and a few other independent labour forms, like selling food items. These people are highly affected.The district administration has provided us the opportunity to involve in rehabilitation activities.

As this is an important humanitarian issue, we immediately organized a staff meeting and planned for the intervention activities. Accordingly, we provided the affected people necessary goods, like food and water, clothing, masks, glows, hand sanitizers and other assistance through our filed staff, students of Rojavanam Paramedical College and volunteers. Rojavanam Paramedical College students are also involving in prevention intervention activities at the Toll Gates in NH.7. The state Government and reputed service organizations have appreciated our humanitarian activities. Our Volunteers and students of Rojavanam Paramedical College are even now actively involving in COVID -19 prevention activities in collaboration with the District Administration.

Response Activities at Rojavanam Home for the Aged

According to the centers for disease control and prevention, 8 out of every 10 COVID-19 deaths in adults age 65 and older. This age group also accounts for upward of 70 percent of all coronavirus hospitalizations nationwide. That waning immunity leaves older people more prone to serious complications from COVID-19. T cells and B cells, special types of white blood cells involved in the immune response, offer clues to why immunity declines with age. Rojavanam home for the aged (Senior Citizens Care and Protection Centres) are functioning in Kanyakumari district with nearly 350 inmates.

Immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, we took active steps to prevent the spreading of it in our homes. We established special provisions for hand wash at the entrance of our homes with hand sanitizers and water. Each and every people entering the home are checked carefully for the virus infection. At the same time, we also provided masks, glows, hand sanitizers, soaps and towels to each of our inmates. Further, we prepare the ayurvedic medicine, “Kabasura Kudineer” and give it to the inmates twice a week.

Response Activities at Rojavanam Home for the Aged

According to the centers for disease control and prevention, 8 out of every 10 COVID-19 deaths in adults age 65 and older. This age group also accounts for upward of 70 percent of all coronavirus hospitalizations nationwide. That waning immunity leaves older people more prone to serious complications from COVID-19. T cells and B cells, special types of white blood cells involved in the immune response, offer clues to why immunity declines with age. Rojavanam home for the aged (Senior Citizens Care and Protection Centres) are functioning in Kanyakumari district with nearly 350 inmates.

Immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, we took active steps to prevent the spreading of it in our homes. We established special provisions for hand wash at the entrance of our homes with hand sanitizers and water. Each and every people entering the home are checked carefully for the virus infection. At the same time, we also provided masks, glows, hand sanitizers, soaps and towels to each of our inmates. Further, we prepare the ayurvedic medicine, “Kabasura Kudineer” and give it to the inmates twice a week.

Response Activities of Rojavanam Home For Homeless

At present 11 Rojavanam homes for homeless are functioning in the following major cities with a total of more than 530 inmates

  • Madurai                           – 2 Home
  • Trichy                               – 3 Home
  • Chennai                          – 1 Home
  • Tiruppur                          – 1 Home
  • Ramanathapuram     – 1 Home

Besides meeting the shelter needs of the Senior citizens we provide asylum to the urban homeless poor particularly people who do hard work during day or night times, people caste out of their homes from relatives, aged sick people, abandoned women, children, people who were punished for petty crimes etc, who seek accommodation at street side platforms, bus or railway stations, in front of closed shops, under bridges, church or temple premise and wherever they get space to sleep or take rest.

Response Activities of Rojavanam Home For Homeless

At present 11 Rojavanam homes for homeless are functioning in the following major cities with a total of more than 530 inmates

  • Madurai                           – 2 Home
  • Trichy                               – 3 Home
  • Chennai                          – 1 Home
  • Tiruppur                          – 1 Home
  • Ramanathapuram     – 1 Home

Besides meeting the shelter needs of the Senior citizens we provide asylum to the urban homeless poor particularly people who do hard work during day or night times, people caste out of their homes from relatives, aged sick people, abandoned women, children, people who were punished for petty crimes etc, who seek accommodation at street side platforms, bus or railway stations, in front of closed shops, under bridges, church or temple premise and wherever they get space to sleep or take rest.

COVID-19 Interventions

Immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, we took active steps to prevent the spreading of it in our homes. We established special provisions for hand wash at the entrance of our homes with hand sanitizers and water. Each and every people entering the home are checked carefully for the virus infection. At the same time, we also provided masks, glows, hand sanitizers, soaps and towels to each of our inmates. Further, we prepare the Ayurvedic medicine, “Kabasura Kudineer” and give it to the inmates twice a week.

Periodic health Check ups

The inmates of the homes are periodically conducted health checkups. If anyone is needed health care, we provide them treatment and medicines. One doctor visits these homes monthly twice and check the health conditions of the inmates.AMK manpower Services has been appointed by greater chennai corporation to implement COVID-19 intervention activities in Zone 5 in UPHC perumalpet. The total number of infected persons in this area comes to 9,809 that are spread out in13 slums.

COVID-19 Interventions

Immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, we took active steps to prevent the spreading of it in our homes. We established special provisions for hand wash at the entrance of our homes with hand sanitizers and water. Each and every people entering the home are checked carefully for the virus infection. At the same time, we also provided masks, glows, hand sanitizers, soaps and towels to each of our inmates. Further, we prepare the Ayurvedic medicine, “Kabasura Kudineer” and give it to the inmates twice a week.

Periodic health Check ups

The inmates of the homes are periodically conducted health checkups. If anyone is needed health care, we provide them treatment and medicines. One doctor visits these homes monthly twice and check the health conditions of the inmates.AMK manpower Services has been appointed by greater chennai corporation to implement COVID-19 intervention activities in Zone 5 in UPHC perumalpet. The total number of infected persons in this area comes to 9,809 that are spread out in13 slums.

Major activities we are involving are:-

  • Mapping of slums using participatory approaches,Register family profile
  • Identification of vulnerable population based on the listed criteria
  • Collecting data for baseline study: collecting the baseline data to be used to assess the impact of the program at mid and end line assessments.
  • Conducting interpersonal communication session on COVID-19 prevention and control methods, includes personal hygiene, hand washing demo, identification of potential transmission sites.
  • Identifying and referring persons displaying / reporting COVID-19 symptoms
  • Follow up of the referred cases and submitting daily reports
  • Coordinate with greater chennai corporation field personnel for effective implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control activities
  • Identifying potential hotspots within the locality and monitor social distancing and hand hygiene practices

Major activities we are involving are:-

  • Mapping of slums using participatory approaches,Register family profile
  • Identification of vulnerable population based on the listed criteria
  • Collecting data for baseline study: collecting the baseline data to be used to assess the impact of the program at mid and end line assessments.
  • Conducting interpersonal communication session on COVID-19 prevention and control methods, includes personal hygiene, hand washing demo, identification of potential transmission sites.
  • Identifying and referring persons displaying / reporting COVID-19 symptoms
  • Follow up of the referred cases and submitting daily reports
  • Coordinate with greater chennai corporation field personnel for effective implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control activities
  • Identifying potential hotspots within the locality and monitor social distancing and hand hygiene practices

About Rojavanam

The management of Rojavanam centres is vested with the Rojavanam trust and its board of Trustees. They provide suggestions and guidance for the smooth functioning of these centres.This centre is providing home like care to the aged people,and hence we say,it is a home away from home.The desires of the aged people are met with and this home helps them to lead a life with confidence.

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